Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to deal with homesickness

We have all encountered a bout of being homesick one time or another. Aupairs often feel a bit of homesickness the first weeks after arriving in America. The best solution to prevent homesickness is keeping busy in the first few weeks. As an aupair get out and make friends, reach out to other aupairs in your area, spend time with your host family and really get to know them, try to limit your conversations with family and friends at home. It is difficult to get to know your life in America when all you think about is what you left behind. Immerse yourself in the American culture as much as possible, that is why you came to America to learn something new and be away from home.
As a host family look for the signs of homesickness. Include your aupair as much as possible, eat dinner together, talk and learn about your aupairs culture and family and friends. Communicating and getting to know each other will help both the aupair and host family to limit homesickness and make for a successful year.

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