Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fun Monthly meeting

We had some fun at our monthly meeting this time. We met at my house and sat around and talked and ate snacks, then we did a mini photo session in my studio and in my neighborhood.  These aupairs could be future models!

Saftey and Children

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 20 million U.S. children and adolescents suffer preventable injuries annually. In an effort to reduce the number of preventable injuries among children, AuPairCare would like to remind you to be mindful of these guidelines:
  • Watch your host children at all times; anything that takes your attention away from watching your host children is unsafe
  • Do not text or use your phone for personal use while caring for children
  • Never leave children home alone, even for a second
  • Do not leave a child unattended in or around a vehicle and check around your vehicle before driving
  • Supervise children around all animals and do not leave babies or young children alone with animals
  • Do not have older siblings take care of babies or children alone
Be sure to keep these safety tips in mind to ensure a safe year! Remember, it only takes a second for a child to get hurt.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer travel plans for Aupairs!

Intrepid, the agency that books US tours for aupairs, launched  an incredible deal  today.  They are offering a ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ offer for nearly all of their North America tours!!  This is the best deal that they have had for their North America trips in years!!  It’s a great opportunity for Au Pairs to book summer travel!
The Buy One, Get One Free offer includes some of our most popular trips with Au Pairs such as:
 The sale  begins today May 24th and lasts until July 15th and is for trips that depart between June 1st and July 31st.  It is ‘Buy One Get One’ for 2 passengers.  If someone is traveling independently then the offer is 30% off.
If you have not made your travel plans yet this is a good deal! My aupairs have taken trips with Intrepid and they have loved the tours!
Check out their website to learn more Intrepid Travel

Friday, May 24, 2013

Celebrate Memorial Day With AuPairCare!

I can’t keep this a secret!  From May 24-May 28 AuPairCare will be offering an amazing promotion. Families can receive a $900 savings! 
This includes a waived application fee and $550 program fee discount.  This offer is only for new families that match with an overseas au pair and apply between May 24 – May 28.  Quick and easy - no “match by” or “arrive by” deadlines, families just need to apply!  The promo code families need to use is: MEMORIAL$900.
If you are considering live in, affordable and flexible childcare don’t wait, apply today!  Email me directly at or visit and mention my name, Tatjana on your application!
Don’t miss this opportunity to interview pre-screened and highly qualified au pairs to join your family today!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Looking for childcare anyone???

Anyone looking for childcare?  For those who don’t know, I work with an awesome agency, AuPairCare, placing au pairs from overseas with families in the U.S.  It is a fantastic program – it combines really affordable childcare with a great opportunity to bring culture into your home!  This weekend I can let new families apply for free and get a huge savings too!  Message me for details and feel free to share this post.

We have hosted ten aupairs and loved them all It is a great program, flexible and affordable and provides a great cultural experience for your children!


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fun Apps

Like any young woman between the ages of 18-26 years old, Au Pairs are attached to technology.  Most Au Pairs have smart phones or devices, whether the host family provides it or they purchased their own.  To make their transition go more smoothly and help them feel more acclimated, here are top 10 Apps for Au Pairs.
Feature pic

Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

Sunday we celebrate mothers everywhere. Happy mothers day to all the lovely mom's!

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"
A word that means the world to me.

Help save the Aupair Program!

Au Pair Care
New Immigration Reform Could Harm Au Pair Program

Dear Host Families,  
Congress is currently considering legislation that would overhaul our immigration system. Certain sections of the immigration bill would create more cost and complexity for the Au Pair Program and could greatly harm, and potentially even end, this valuable exchange.

A section of the Senate immigration bill on “the prevention of trafficking of persons” considers au pairs and other exchange visitors as “workers,” not as the cultural exchange participants they are. Such a step would:

  • Make the program more expensive for American host families by creating new programmatic fees.
  • Create more regulatory complexity by transferring a portion of the program’s authority from the Department of State to the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Endanger the future of this important cultural exchange program.
Please take action today and
send a letter to your Senators, asking them to oppose these provisions of the Senate immigration bill, and to support exempting au pairs and other Department of State exchange visitors from this human trafficking section.

This is a very easy process and only takes 2 minutes!  Just enter your name, address, and email, and the pre-written letter will be sent automatically to your Senators.

Click here to send your letter.

It is critical that your Senators hear from you as soon as possible to ensure that any immigration bill strengthen important international exchanges like the Au Pair Program, rather than weaken them.


Thank you for your support!

