Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The extra bonus of having an au pair

Weekly Diaper cost $10, 
Weekly Childcare cost $350, 
Loving, Caring, Flexible in-home childcare PRICELESS.

Once again the aupair program proves how it pays back ten fold. This weekend we had a visit from our au pair number five, Isabela from Brazil.  Having an au pair is like a pre-view of your own children when they grow up, and when their year with you is over, you have gained another child.  You feel their pain and their joy and you share in their accomplishments and failures. 

I love when our au pairs come back and visit us. Or when we get to go and see them! To hear about their accomplishments in life makes you proud. We as host parents forget sometimes how vulnerable and impressionable these young girls and boys are when they come and live with us and care for our children. But they are in a part of their lives of exploring and figuring out who they are and their place in the world, and we as host families play a part in this development whether we want to or not.  So when they succeed, find a career path, a lasting love, and happiness we can't help but feel pride.

So for families who are just starting out with an au pair, realize that this is a relationship that will continue after your year is over, keep in touch with your aupair, continue being a mentor and a friend. For families that do not think having an au pair is the  childcare solution for them, you need to see the bigger picture. These girls and boys are a part of your life even after they leave. It is not only flexible,  affordable and wonderful childcare it is a relationship for life. PRICELESS


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