Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How did being an Au pair shape your life?

I posted this question to some of my past aupairs. I was curious what they thought about the aupair program in retrospect. Bela was our aupair eight years ago. She is now an adult and she has accomplished great things. Following are her thoughts:

"If I had to pick one life changing experience, my year as an au pair would be it! When I decided to move to the US as an au pair for a year, I never thought that so many surprises, great moments and learning would be waiting for me. I had an amazing family who made me feel loved and who somehow made me believe more in myself. I also learned to appreciate small things that I would take for granted from my home country. I made friends for life and I finally got to understand myself better too. Being an Au pair opened the doors to a new world for me. I realized I was capable of so much and that my journey living in a different country was just starting! I have been living abroad for over 7 years now. I work for a global tech company, I have visited 27 countries, and I have friends spread all over the globe! All of this, thanks to my year as an au pair, the first step to discover a world of new possibilities!"

Please share your stories about how the aupair year has changed or not changed, your life.

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